воскресенье, октября 20, 2019

My school day

My school day
My name is Liz, I will be seventeen years old in June. Since I am a high school student, my life is very busy. I have a lot of responsibilities both at home and at school.
I can say that if you want to be a success, you need wise time management. Don’t multitask and get enough rest and sleep.
I study 5 days a week, and I have 7 classes every day, from Monday to Friday. I leave for school at about 7:30, and my classes start at 8:00. After the 3rd one, at 11:45, I have a lunch break. After lunch, we have three more lessons and finally finish at 13:32.
Every Monday and Friday after my regular classes, I have to take extra ones to prepare for the upcoming exams. I have to study Maths and English. My extra classes start at 14:00 and last for two hours. If it’s not Monday or Friday, I need to pick up my sister from her drawing classes.
When I come back home, I have  dinner with my family, take a shower and do my homework. If I have some free time left, I might go out with my friends, so I try not to waste my time and do my hometask as quick as possible. After that, at 23:00, I go to bed. Sometimes, when I have too much homework, I might go to bed a bit later, but I always try to do everything on time and have a good rest.

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