четверг, октября 17, 2019

Вопросы по говорению

Примерные вопросы к третьему этапу экзамена 
Билет № 1
1.     Let’s talk about accommodation. Tell me about the house/ flat you live in.
2.     Do you want to move into a new house/ flat? Why or why not?
3.     What questions will you ask your landlord/ landlady about the room you are going to rent?
4.     Your friend wants to decorate his/ her room and make it look more modern. Give him/ her some advice on how to do it.
5.     They say that living in the city is better than living in the country. What do you think about it?

Билет № 2
1.     Let’s talk about education. Tell me about the system of education in Belarus.
2.     Do you like your school? Why or why not?
3.     Ask me about education in Canada.
4.     What advice can you give me on how to prepare for exams well?
5.     If you were the Minister of Education in Belarus, what would you change in our school system?

Билет № 3
1.  Let’s talk about the environment. Do you share the opinion that our planet is in danger?
2.  Do you recycle or throw away all the waste?
3.  Ask your British friend what environmental problems they are concerned about.
4.  Give a piece of advice on what people can do to protect the environment.
5.  If you have a chance to start a campaign to help the environment, what will you campaign for?

Билет № 4
1.     Let’s talk about Belarus. What do you know about the history of our country?
2.     Do you know any symbols of our country?
3.     What English filmmakers will you invite to the ‘Listapad’ festival? What questions will you ask them if you have this opportunity?
4.     What Belarusian festivals can you advise a foreigner to take part in?
5.     Young people gather to make the world better. What do you think young people of Belarus can do to make their country more attractive to foreign tourists?

Билет № 5
1.     Let’s talk about Great Britain. What do you know about the history of Great Britain?
2.     Do you know the state symbols of Great Britain?
3.     What questions will you ask a British teenager about the royal family?
4.     What historical places can you advise me to visit in England?
5.     They say that the British are quite reserved. What do you think about it?

Билет № 6
1.     Let’s talk about science and modern technologies. What modern means of communication do you prefer to use when sharing news: email, phone, Skype, texting, etc.?
2.     Do you write letters? Why or why not?
3.     What questions will you ask a famous blogger?
4.     My cousin spends a lot of time chatting in VK (VKontakte) and it makes all the family angry. What can you advise him/ her and the family to do in this situation?
5.     Can you predict what kind of technologies, gadgets, and devices we will use in the future? Tell us about them.

Билет № 7
1.     Let’s talk about art. Tell me what forms of art you enjoy most.
2.     Is graffiti a form of art or an act of vandalism?
3.     Ask me questions about the comedy I have lately seen.
4.     What advice will you give to your British friend who wants to take part in “The Night of Museums” in Belarus?
5.     Are you interested in videoblogs? Why or why not?

Билет № 8
1.     Let’s talk about your future career. What do you want to do in the future?
2.     Do you prefer to work by yourself or in a team? Why?
3.     What questions do you expect from your future employer at a job interview?
4.     Give me some advice on what I need to think about when choosing a job.
5.     Some people think that an applicant should be computer literate to get a good job. What do you think about it?

Билет № 9
1.     Let’s talk about your family. What do you appreciate most about your family?
2.     Do you get on with your siblings/ grandparents?
3.     What questions will you ask a British teenager about his/ her family?
4.     What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with their parents and grandparents?
5.     You want to introduce a new tradition into your family. What kind of tradition will it be?

Билет № 10
1.     Let’s talk about youth and society. What national and international youth organisations do you know?
2.     Have you ever taken part in any meaningful international events?
3.     What questions will you ask about a new project organized by the BRSM?
4.     Some young people want to become volunteers but don’t know what to start with. What will you recommend them to do?
5.     If you have a chance to start a campaign, what will you campaign for?

Билет № 11
1.     Let’s talk about the mass media. Which of these do people in your family prefer: TV, newspapers, radio?
2.     Do you think many people are involved in covering the news?
3.     What questions will you ask a photojournalist about his/ her work?
4.     Give me a piece of advice on how to decide if the information on the Internet is reliable or not.
5.     What will the mass media look like in thirty years’ time?

Билет № 12
1.     Let’s talk about the mass media. What role does the Internet play in your life?
2.     Are all mass media means popular among your classmates? Why or why not?
3.     What questions will you ask a British teenager about the magazine article he/ she has recently read?
4.     Unfortunately, I have little time to surf the Net. Which sites will you advise me to visit first of all?
5.     Can the Internet replace all the other means of mass media? What do you think about it?

Билет № 13
1.     Let’s talk about international cooperation. Do you know what countries have cross-cultural relationship with Belarus?
2.     Is it important for Belarus to organize international events?
3.     What questions will you ask your American friend who wants to become a diplomat?
4.     Give advice to your friend who is hosting a foreign student.
5.     You would like to take part in a student exchange programme. Find out which options you would be fit for. In your opinion, in which areas could Belarus cooperate with other countries?

Билет № 14
1.     Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes. How will you describe a typical Belarusian?
2.     Would you like to visit Great Britain? Why or why not?
3.     I have just come back from Scotland. What questions will you ask me?
4.     Give me a piece of advice on how to get rid of prejudices.
5.     Why do you think we should be suspicious of stereotypes?

Билет № 15
1.     Let’s talk about outstanding people. Tell me about some Belarusians who are well known all around the world.
2.     Do you think a genius is born or made?
3.     Your friend has just read an article about the latest scientific and technological achievements in Britain. What questions will you ask him/ her?
4.     Advise me on how to encourage my students to be more curious and hardworking.
5.     What do you think is more important: IQ, hard work, persistence or a solid upbringing on the way to success?

Билет № 16
1.     Let’s talk about tourism. How do you prefer to travel?
2.     Do you bring home souvenirs from your trips? Why or why not?
3.     You are going on a trip around England. What questions will you ask your British friends?
4.     Your Belarusian friend will spend his/ her summer vacation in Great Britain. Give him/ her a piece of advice on how to organize the trip.
5.     Every country should encourage and promote tourism. What do you think about it?

Билет № 17
1.     Let’s talk about accommodation. Where do you want to live: in the city or in the country?
2.     Do you mind living on your own? Why or why not?
3.     Ask me what my flat/ house looks like.
4.     Your friend wants to rent a flat. Give him/ her some advice on how to do it.
5.     They say that the place where you live reflects your character and personality. What do you think about it?

Билет № 18
1.     Let’s talk about your family. What does your immediate family mean to you?
2.     Are there any family traditions that you follow?
3.     What questions will you ask a British teenager about his/ her extended family?
4.     Give a piece of advice on how to have a close and happy family.
5.     They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about it?

Билет № 19
1.     Let’s talk about your future career. What kind of job do you want to have in the future?
2.     Is foreign language proficiency important for your future job? Why or why not?
3.     What questions will you ask your friend who has decided to follow in his/ her parents’ footsteps?
4.     Give me some advice on how to create a positive impression on the employer at a job interview.
5.     Some people think that it is necessary to have good communication skills in order to get a good job. What do you think about it?

Билет № 20
1.     Let’s talk about Belarus. What attracts tourist to Belarus?
2.     Are symbols of Belarus known to foreigners? Why or why not?
3.     What questions will you ask a journalist from the BelTA News Agency?
4.     What advice will you give to people who want to visit Belarus?
5.     They say that the Belarusian language is losing its popularity. What do you think about it?

 Билет № 21
1.     Let’s talk about any English-speaking country. What can you tell me about the parts Great Britain consists of?
2.     Does Belarus differ greatly from Great Britain?
3.     What questions will you ask the Belarusian Ambassador to Great Britain?
4.     What advice will you give to a person who wants to make the relationship between Belarus and Great Britain better?
5.     Do the British traditions and customs differ Belarusian ones?

Билет № 22
1.     Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes. What are the daily habits of Belarusians?
2.     Are there any traditions in your family that are handed down from one generation to another?
3.     Ask your British friend how they celebrate Christmas in their family.
4.     Advise a British teenager on how to choose gifts for his/ her Belarusian friends.
5.     We can’t believe all the stereotypes about different nationalities. What do you think about it?

Билет № 23
1.     Let’s talk about youth and society. There are many ways for young people to be involved in social life. Tell me about some of them.
2.     Are you concerned about what is going on in the world?
3.     What questions will you ask about the campaign “Harvest for the homeless”?
4.     Give me a piece of advice on how to make a summer holiday enjoyable and beneficial for other people.
5.     People say that volunteering can make a great difference to our lives and the lives of others around us. What do you think about it?

Билет № 24
1.     Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about your school?
2.     Have you decided what you will do after leaving school?
3.     Ask me about the school I went to when I was young.
4.     Give me a piece of advice on how to make all pupils more attentive at the lesson.
5.     Some people think that education is a key to success. Do you agree with it?

Билет № 25
1.     Let’s talk about tourism. How do you prefer to travel: alone, with your parents or with your friends?
2.     Is it better to choose a guided tour or organize a trip by yourself? Why?
3.     You are going camping for a week. What questions will you ask an experienced camper?
4.     Your American friend wants to visit Belarus. Which places will you advise him/ her to visit?
5.     An ancient Chinese philosopher and write Lao Tzu said: “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” What do you think about it?

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