четверг, октября 17, 2019

7 класс. Друзья навсегда

Тема: «Друзья навсегда»
Класс 7
Место урока: 6/12
Тип урока: комбинированный
Вид урока: традиционный
Формы работы: индивидуальная, групповая, парная, коллективная
Цель урока: развитие навыков восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух
Образовательная: создать условия для формирования у учащихся языковых и речевых умений по теме «Дружба»;
 Развивающая: способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, воображения у учащихся; а также развитию у них компетенции целепологания и учебных умений: умений обобщать, выделять главное, анализировать, сопоставлять, находить сходное и различное, устанавливать взаимосвязи;
Воспитательная: содействовать формированию готовности строить взаимоотношения с окружающим миром на основе сотрудничества и быть толерантной личностью, а также способствовать развитию потребности выбирать друзей по положительным качествам личности.

 Оснащение урока: доска, мел, ноутбук,  тематический наглядный и раздаточный материал, аудиозапись, презентация Microsoft Power Point, мультимедийная установка (проектор) .
Литература: English 7 , Юхнель Н.В., Наумова Е.Г.
                       Workbook 7,Наумова Е.Г., Волков А.В.
                       Highlights, Л.В. Хведченя
                       Английские стихи для детей, Розова О.Г., Пузанова Л.С.
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент (введение в тему урока, ознакомление учащихся с целью и задачами урока, введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения)
-           Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you today? I’m glad to see you. How are you today? How is your mood? Today our topic is “BBF”. What does it mean? What do the letters in the picture stand for?
-           Yes, you are right: Best Friends Forever. Today we are going to speak about friends and friendship, your hobbies, turn to the grammar: Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous; see a film, have fun. So we have a lot to do.
II.     Фонетическая зарядка
- First of all, we’ll train our pronunciation a little bit and do it with the help of the tongue-twister:
Good – better-the best
Never have a rest
Till good is better
And better is the best
- Listen to me and repeat after me, please… Who can read it in a good way?
- Ok, thank you

III. Основная часть урока:
а) активизация раннее изученной лексики (развитие лексических и грамматических навыков, развитие навыков устной речи)
- Are you ready to start? As our topic is “BFF”, a lot has been already said and written about it. And at first this topic seems easy. But today on the lesson everybody decides what friend is.
- As for me, the word “friendship” means feelings and behavior that exists between friends, but what these feelings and what the behavior is, one should decide for himself. So what does friendship mean for you? No ideas? Ok, look at the blackboard, please. Here you can see the lines of one poem about friendship. Let’s put these lines in a proper way to make up this poem:
They try to understand.
Friends are people who share
Friends are people who care
They give a helping hand.
Key to the task:
Friends are people who share
Friends are people who care
They try to understand.
They give a helping hand.

- Well done. Let’s read and translate this poem, please.
- Now say what friendship is. Give your associations, please

- Thank you for your answers. Now you see that friendship includes many things.
- Now look at the blackboard, please. Here you can see the crossword:
Key to the task: serious, careful, shy, clever, kind-hearted, boring, quiet, loud, naughty, friendly.
- Your task is to find as many adjectives as you can.
- Now put them into two columns: positive and negative.
- Now express your points of view about what a true friend is. Use the table:


- Thank you. Describe your friend. Use the phrase: “My friend is … .” Try to be true. I’ll give the prints of the hands. These are five fingers on the hand. So write five qualities which are the most typical of your friend… Thank you for your answers.
б) обучение восприятию и пониманию речи на слух (развитие навыков восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух, развитие языковой догадки)
1. Предтекстовый  этап. Подготовка к просмотру фильма. Снятие языков трудностей
- Now you’ll see a video called “Two friends. Your task is to answer the questions: Is it Sethu a true friend ? Why? / Why not? What proverbs can be suitable for this film?
- Look at the blackboard, please. Your task is to match the parts of the following proverbs:
1. A friend in need is   a) an old friend
2. Money can’t             b) who have true friends
3. A faithful friend is    c) a friend indeed
4. They are rich            d) the medicine of life
5. The best mirror is     e) buy friendship
Key to the task: 1.-c; 2. – e; 3.-d; 4. – b; 5. – a.
-           Can you give Russian equivalents of these proverbs?
Key to the task: 1. Друг познается в беде. 2. Нельзя купить дружбу за деньги. 3. Преданный друг – это лекарство жизни. 4. Богаты те, у кого есть настоящие друзья. 5. Лучшее зеркало – это старый друг.
2. Просмотр фильма
- Lets see the filmIs it Sethu a true friend? What proverb is suitable for the film? Now watch one more time, please.
3. Контроль понимания просмотренного фильма
- Answer the questions, please:
1) What are  the names of the two friends?
2) Where did they go one day?
3) Where did the action take place?
4) What happened in the forest(jungle) ?
5) Who couldn’t climb a tree?
6) What did Madhavan decide to do?
7) What did the bear say to Madhavan?
8) Was Sethu ashamed or not?
9) What would you do in such a situation?
Key to the task:
1.       Sethu and Madhavan.
2.       They went to the festival.
3.       In the jungle.
4.       The boys saw a bear coming to them.
5.       Madhavan couldn’t climb a tree and asked for  Sethu’s help.
6.       Madhavan decided to lie on the ground and look like a dead.
7.       A friend in need is a friend in deed.
8.       Yes, he was ashamed.
9.       The same as Madhavan.
в) проверка домашнего задания ( проверить уровень сформированности навыков монологической речи)
- Let’s check up your hometask. You were to speak about your  best friends… Thank you for your answers.
г) обучение письменной речи (развитие лексико-грамматических навыков)
- It’s high time to turn the grammar: Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. Look at the screen, please. Here you can see the presentation. What’s the difference between Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous?
- Look at the blackboard, please. Your task is to choose the right option:
Choose the right option
a.       Nick (has been cooking / has cooked) four dishes.
b.       Nick (has been cooking / has cooked) for 3 hours.
c.        Kate (has been drawing / has drawn) since 3 o’clock.
d.       Kate (has been drawing / has drawn) 2 flowers  and five cats.
e.        I (have been doing / have done) homework all morning.
Key to the task:
1.has cooked; 2. has been cooking; 3.has been drawing; 4.has drawn; have been doing.
- Some of you will get the cards. You are to put the sentences into Present  Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:
1. I (to repair) my son’s bicycle for two hours.
2. He knows Africa very well because he (to travel) a lot there.
3. I can’t stand it any more. Those people (to quarrel) since breakfast.
4. Michael, I (to try) to get you all day.
5. We (not to see) Peter this week.
6. My parents (to be) to the USA many times.
7. How long you (to sit) here?
Key to the task:
1.       have been repairing; 2. has travelled; 3. have been quarrelling; 4. have been trying; 5. have not seen; 6. have been; 7.have been sitting.
д) физкультминутка
- Go to the blackboard, please! I’ll give you the cards with words. Your task is to stand in a right order to make up the sentences from the given words
1. learning / I / been / English / since the 3rd form / have.
2. has / not / Ben / playing / for a year/ been / football.
3. they / been / all  morning / have / doing shopping?
4. been / the girl / all day / has trying on / clothes.
5. Tom / been / there /  for /hasn’t /  three years.
- I think, it was well done.
е) обучение говорению (развитие навыков устной речи, развитие навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух)
- Let’s pay our attention to another aspect of life… Everyone is an individuality. Each of you and your friends have hobby. What kinds of hobbies do you know? I’ll show the pictures of different hobbies. What are they?
- Match the pictures of hobbies and their names, please.
- As you see, there are a lot of hobbies. Tastes differ. People have different hobbies. Let’s watch a video about hobbies and interests of other people. Your task is remember hobbies as many as possible.
- It’s high time to speak about your hobbies and demonstrate them.
- Now look at the blackboard, please! Here is the recipe of friendship:
The Recipe f Friendship:
1 cup of sharing
2 cups of caring
1 cup of forgiveness and hugs of tenderness
Mix all these together…
                                 to make friends forever.
   Now let’s make our recipe of friendship. Friendship is a recipe made up of many ingredients. Write your special recipe for friendship. I’ll give the lists of paper.
IV. Рефлексивно-оценочный этап
- Our lesson is almost over. I hope you have learnt something new and interesting during the lesson. But the main, I hope, you have understood what friendship is.
- Let’s thank your classmates for something good. Look at the blackboard, please. Here are the examples of saying “thank you”. There are also such cards on your desks.
– Thank you for your kindness
– Thank you for your help
– Thank you for your telling truth
– Thank you for your devotion (
– Thank you for your sympathy (
– Thank you for your brains (
– Thank you for your loyalty (
– Thank you for your caring about me
– Thank you for your forgiving me
– Thank you for your keeping our secrets
V.Объяснение домашнего задания
- Open your record-books and write down your homework, please.
WB.: p.27, ex.1.
VI.Выставление отметок
- Your marks are … .Thanks for your work. Good bye!

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