четверг, октября 17, 2019

5 класс. Выходной день. Прошедшее простое время

Тема: «Выходной день: прошедшее простое время».
Класс 5
Место урока: 5/12
Тип урока: комбинированный
Вид урока: традиционный
Формы работы: индивидуальная, групповая, парная, коллективная
Цель урока: развитие навыков письменной речи
Образовательная: содействовать развитию навыков говорения, восприятия и понимания речи на слух, коммуникативной компетенции посредством развития лексических и грамматических навыков и навыков чтения;
 Развивающая: способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, воображения у учащихся; создать условия для развития творческой и познавательной активности учащихся в процессе индивидуальной и коллективной работы;
Воспитательная: содействовать развитию навыков учебного сотрудничества и познавательного интереса к предмету; способствовать воспитанию культуры общения в разных видах коллективного взаимодействия.
 Оснащение урока: доска, мел, ноутбук, тематический наглядный и раздаточный материал.
Литература: English 5, Лапицкая Л.М.
                       Workbook 5, Лапицкая Л. М.
                       Английские стихи для детей, Розова О.Г., Пузанова Л.С.
                       Английский язык на «отлично», К.Э.Ачасова
                       English Grammar in Use, R.Murphy
I.    Организационный момент  (введение в тему урока, ознакомление учащихся с целью и задачами урока, введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения)
-       Good morning, boys and girls!  I’m glad to see you. How are you today?  Today we are going to visit the town of the Past Simple Tense called “A Day Out”. It’s a very beautiful town. Who lives in this town? Look! These are funny gnomes. What are their names? Their names are Ted, Jack, Tim and Ben. They are nice, kind and friendly. They will show us the town. We shall learn some grammar rules, do exercises. Sing and play games at the lesson. There are some streets in the town.
II.Фонетическая зарядка
-       Look! I’ll tell you where we are. It’s Tongue Twister’s Street. Look! There is a tongue twister. Listen to me and repeat after me, please.
A black cat sat on a mat
And ate a fat rat.
-       Thanks, well done! Let’s listen to me and repeat after me, please. Who wants to read it? In what tense the tongue twister is it?
-       Thanks, it was good. You are good readers.
III.           Основная часть урока:
а) активизация раннее изученной лексики (развитие лексических и грамматических навыков, развитие навыков устной речи)
- Now we are on the street where an angry and cruel gnome lives. It’s called “Mistaken Street”. This gnome made other gnomes forget the words. Let’s revise the vocabulary. Look on the screen, please! Your task is to name the pictures: go to the woods, go to the river, go to the lake, go swimming, go mountain climbing, go fishing, go for a swim, go for a picnic, go for a walk.
- This gnome is also very silly. He made a lot of mistakes in the words. Let’s correct the mistakes in the word combinations and translate them:
goy for the leike
goy to the riva
goy feeshing
goy to a swim
goy for a wolk
goy for a piknik
goy mauntin climbing
goy to the wydz
goy to swiming
Key to the task: go to the lake, go to the river, go fishing, go for a swim, go for a walk, go for a picnic, go mountain climbing, go to the woods, go swimming.
- Thank you for your answers. I see you have learnt the words and helped other gnomes.
б) обучение письменной и устной речи (развитие лексико-грамматических навыков)
- And now it’s “The Street of Regular and Irregular Verbs”. Let’s revise the rule: Past Simple: affirmative sentences. When do we add the ending –ed? When do we use the second form of the verb?
- First of all look at the blackboard, please! Here you can see some verbs. Help the gnomes to divide these verbs into two groups: Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs: watch, pick, go, meet, swim, drink, come, clean, cook, eat, have, do, play, read, visit, come, buy, be, wash, feed. help, live, make, draw.
- Let’s give the second form of the irregular verbs: be meet, do, drive, catch, go, become, get, give, break, fly, swim, have, read. I’ll throw you the ball.
- Let’s play the game “Find Friends”. I’ll give you the cards with the first and the second form of the irregular verbs. I’ll say: “One, two, three, four”. You should find your friends and stand together in pairs.
          в) физкультминутка
- The next street is “Break’s Street”. Let’s have a little break for some time! We’ll have a rest together with gnomes. Gnomes like to work and rest well.
- Look on the screen, repeat the actions and sing, please!
д) обучение восприятию и пониманию речи на слух, обучение устной и письменной речи (развитие навыков восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух, развитие навыков устной речи, развитие лексико-грамматических навыков)
-After having a rest, gnomes like to work. The next street is “Worker’s Street”. Gnomes are very hardworking. The whole day they work and transform the sentences from Present Simple into Past Simple. Let’s help them. Let’s revise what the difference between Present Simple and Past Simple. Look at the tables, please! Look at the model, please!
Present Simple                Past Simple
is                                        was
are                                     were
play                                   played
go                                       went (IIф.)
Model: I go to the country every day. – I went to the country yesterday.
          One of you will go to the blackboard, the others will do in your exercise-         books. Transform the sentences from Present Simple to Past Simple
1.  They skate in the yard every day. (skated)
2.  The weather is fine today. (was)
3.  We go to the park every day. (went)
4.  I see my friend and his mother.(saw)
5.  Children have five classes every day. (had)
-       Also gnomes like to go fishing. They catch a special fish. Each fish has a sentence in the Present or Past Simple Tense. Read and put the sentences into the necessary baskets:
Bob skates every winter.
The children went to the history museum last weekend.
He went for a walk last Sunday.
We help our parents every day.
The boy walks his puppy in the park every evening.
The children visited their granny last week.
Tom went fishing on Saturday.
Willy plays with his cat every morning.
Pavel got a letter two days ago.
Willy saw lots of dinosaurs at the museum.
We played tennis on our last day out.
Alice usually picks a lot of flowers in the woods.
They were at the seaside in June.
Every day his dad runs in the morning.
Mike ate ice-cream yesterday morning.
Your friends go swimming every Sunday.
They saw a monkey at the zoo last Saturday.
She was at the circus two days ago.
In summer I go swimming every sunny day.
He often rides a bike in summer.
-       There is “Two Friend’s Street” near “Worker’s Street”. The two badgers live there. They forget everything and always ask: “What did we do yesterday?” I have some pictures here. Look and say what they did yesterday. Use the phrase: They/ The badgers … yesterday. Use Past Simple.
-       Look on the screen, please! Here is the video of two friends and what they did yesterday. Watch and then answer the question: What did they do yesterday?.. Now you tell me what you did yesterday. Use the phrases and the model: I … yesterday. (played on the slide, played football, went to the woods, went fishing, went for a picnic, went for a walk, went to the river, went to the zoo, went to the amusement park, listened to music, played computer games, rode a bike, played on the swings, played on the seesaw, went to the theatre, stayed at home).
-       Let’s go on our trip to the town of the Past Simple Tense “A Day Out”. The next street is “The Street of Negatives and Questions”.  Gnomes who live in this street like to boast (хвастаться). Especially, the gnome Tim. Look at the table and tell the rule how to form negatives and questions in Past Simple. Let’s disagree with him. Use the model: I ran the first yesterday. – You didn’t run the first yesterday.
     Disagree. Make the sentences negative
     Model: I watched TV at night. – You didn’t watch TV at night.
1.  I washed my hands and face ten times.
2.  I played chess with a champion.
3.  I helped my friends to do their homework.
4.  I cleaned my teeth three times.
5.  I went swimming yesterday.
-       Now let’s ask him. Use the model: I played on the slide yesterday. – Did you play on the slide yesterday?
Ask questions
     Model: I watched TV last night. – Did you watch TV last night?
1.  I washed my hands and face ten times.
2.  I played chess with a champion.
3.  I helped my friends to do their homework.
4.  I cleaned my teeth three times.
5.  I ate a lot of ice-cream yesterday.
-       Let’s play with the ball. I ‘ll ask you a question “Did you … yesterday?” and you should give a short answer: “I did. / I didn’t.”
-       Help Street”. Gnomes have got helpers: what, where, when, who, how, why. Let’s see how they help them:
I played football yesterday.
When did you play football?
What did you play yesterday?
Who played yesterday?
-       Your task is to make up special questions from the given words:
a.   Where / you / go / did / on your last day out?
b.  Did / when / go / you  / to the woods?
c.   Tom / did / what / on the lake / see/ yesterday?
d.  Did / why / so many flowers /pick  / Kate / last weekend?
e.   They / where / did / last Sunday / play football ?
е) проверка домашнего задания (развитие навыков монологической речи)
- The last street of the town is “Speaker’s Street”. Gnomes who live in this street like to tell stories. Let’s help them to speak about their last day out.
IV.           Рефлексивно-оценочный этап
- Now our trip around the town of Past Simple “A Day Out “is over. How was it?

             The trip

V.Объяснение домашнего задания
- Open your record-books and write down your homework, please.
WB.: p.36-37, ex.1, 2.
VI.Выставление отметок
- Your marks are … .Thanks for your work. It was great! Good bye!

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