четверг, октября 17, 2019

6 класс. Необычные герои

Тема урока: Необычные герои. Говорение
Класс 6
Цели урока
Образовательная цель: совершенствование навыков говорения, восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух; развитие умений монологической речи;  совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков; обогащение знаний школьников о необычных существах, в особенности, лохнесского чудовища из Шотландии.
Развивающая цель: развитие воображения и логического мышления, развитие умения сопоставлять факты и явления, обобщать полученную информацию.
Воспитательная цель: развитие умений слушать и понимать друг друга; развитие коллективного взаимодействия.
Коммуникативные задачи: уметь рассказывать о необычных персонажах и  действии, происходившем  в определенный момент в прошлом.
Языковой и речевой материал: грамматические структуры с глаголами в Past Continuous, лексические единицы: an alien, appear, believe, disappear, disbelieve, a ghost, a monster, etc.
Оснащение урока: картинки, рисунки, таблицы, аудиозапись, видео, раздаточный материал в виде карточек с заданиями, учебное пособие для учащихся “English 6” (авторы Н.В. Юхнель, А.Г. Наумова, Е. А. Родовская).

I.                  Организационный момент (создание атмосферы иноязычного общения; целеполагание)
-         Hello, boys and girls! Sit down, please! How are you today? Fine! I hope, you are in a good mood and you are ready for today’s lesson. Today the topic of our lesson is “The Monster I loved”. We’ll talk about unusual objects and creatures, we’ll work with our vocabulary and pay attention to grammar (Past Continuous) and you’ll  learn about Loch Ness Monster.
II.               Основная часть урока:
а) работа с лексикой (контроль сформированности речевых лексических навыков, совершенствование произносительных и орфографических навыков, навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух)
- Now I’d like to find out if you know the transcription, writing and pronunciation of the words well enough.
-Look at the blackboard, please! Here you can see the transcription of some words. Your task is to write the word, read and translate:
[eili n]
[g uld]
[m d  ik]
[i m  d  in]
[bi li;v]
[we  ]
[m  d  i   n]
-         Well done. The next task is to give antonyms to the following words. Match them and translate:
terrible          disappear
usual             praise
appear           wonderful
believe          unusual
punish           disbelieve
-         Good answers. Look at the blackboard, please! Here you can see the pictures and their names. But they are mixed up. Your task is to match the pictures and their proper names
-         Nice. What unusual creatures do you know?.. Look at the blackboard, please! Their pictures and names are also mixed. Let’s do it correctly
-         Now I see you know the words rather well. Now I’ll give the cards with the story in which you can see the missing words. Your task is to complete this story with the words of our lesson. I’ll read you the story and you’ll put in the necessary words:
My brother is five years old. He likes  telling unusual stories. He often imagines things. On Sunday he told me about green aliens from Saturn. Yesterday he told me about a terrible monster and an old magician. But I didn’t believe him. I think he watches TV too much.
-         Let’s read and translate, please
-         Answer the questions, please:
1.     Do you like listening to ghost stories?
2.     Do you like books about magicians?
3.     Do you like films about aliens?
4.     Have you ever seen anything unusual?
5.     Do you know someone who often imagines things?
6.     Do you always believe people who tell unusual stories?
б) восприятие и понимание речи на слух (совершенствование навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух, развитие навыков говорения)
- Thanks for your answers. Let’s go on further. Now you’ll listen to and watch a video about one of the most famous monsters in the world- Loch Ness Monster. Your task to listen to and watch, then we’ll check what’ll have understood .You’ll complete the table and answer the questions

It lives
Its features
It is

-         Answer the questions, please
1. What’s this video about?
2.     Do you believe in terrible monsters?
3.     Do you believe in aliens, ghosts and magicians?
4.     Do all people believe in terrible monsters?
5.     Is there a monster in Loch Ness or do people just imagine it?
6.     Is  Nessie a terrible monster?
7.     Is Nessie an unusual fish?
-         So, it’s seen that opinions are different. Some of you believe in terrible monsters, some of you don’t believe in them.
в) обучение письменной речи (развитие навыков письменной речи)
- Open your books at page 89, exercise 6: Work in groups. Complete the sentences to make your own monster. I’ll give the pieces of paper. Your task to complete the sentences, draw and present…
- Complete the sentences
Close your eyes. Imagine …………
…………. is an unusual …………..
………….. is / isn’t terrible.
Do you believe in ………….?
г) пауза для релаксации (снятие у учащихся эмоционального напряжения)
- It’s high time to have a small break
Look left, look right,               
Look up, look down,                
Look around.                           
Look at your nose,
Look at that rose,
Close your eyes.
Open, wink and smile.
д) работа с грамматическим материалом (совершенствование грамматических навыков)
- Now it’s time to turn to grammar. Look at the blackboard, please! Here you see a chant. Who wants to read it?..
I went to the river.
And what did you see?
I saw two green aliens?
They were looking at me.
I went to the forest.
And what did you see?
I saw a white tiger.
It was smiling at me.
-         What tense is used in the underlined sentences? When is it used? What words can help us to define this tense? How is it formed?
-         I’ll show you the pictures. Say what Nick was doing at that time yesterday. Look at the example: At 6 o’clock yesterday he was getting up . (PB: p.93, ex.5a)
-         I’ll show you more pictures. You should say what were they doing? / What was he/ she / it doing?
-         Look at the blackboard, please! Here you the Exercise. Your task is to put the sentences into the Past Continuous. Then make them negative and interrogative
Put the verbs into the Past Continuous. Make them negative and interrogative
1.     Father (to sleep) at 10 o’clock yesterday.
2.     I (to play) the piano when my mum came home.
3.     They (to play) football at that time yesterday.
4.     Nick (to read) a ghost story from 5 till 6 yesterday.
5.     We (to drink) tea at 8 0’clock yesterday.
е) монологическая речь ( развитие умений монологической речи)
- Well done. Now it’s high to speak about your favourite monsters. Let’s check up your homework. I see that you are in the costumes of your favourite characters…
- Nice answers. Now I’ll have a surprise for you. We are having a guest. Guess, please. It’s the daughter of one of the monsters… You can ask some questions
II. Рефлексия (самооценка учащимися результатов их учебно-познавательной деятельности)
- How did you like today’s lesson? What have you learnt? Did you have any difficulties? Choose the symbol which corresponds to your mood?
I feel  ….(happy, sad, indifferent( равнодушный)
Because I …
… was (not) bored
… worked hard
… didn’t relax
… answered properly
… was active
… got a good mark
III.  Подведение итогов (объяснение домашнего задания)
- Your hometask is WB.: p.51, ex.2a/b
- Your marks are … Good bye! Have a good time!

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