четверг, октября 17, 2019

7 класс. Покупки

Тема: «Покупки»
Класс: 7
Место урока: 8/13
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Вид урока: традиционный
Формы работы: индивидуальная, групповая, парная, коллективная
Цель урока: развитие навыков говорения: диалогической и монологической речи.
Образовательная: содействовать развитию навыков говорения, коммуникативной компетенции по теме «Покупки» посредством совершенствования навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух, чтения, лексико-грамматических навыков.
 Развивающая: способствовать развитию памяти, внимания,  коммуникативности, воображения у учащихся; развитию языковой догадки и ассоциативного мышления, умения переноса знаний в новую ситуацию, а также создать условия для развития творческой и познавательной активности учащихся в процессе индивидуальной и коллективной работы.
Воспитательная: содействовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка, творческих способностей учащихся, расширению кругозора, а также показать значимость умения решать коммуникативные задачи через  диалог и монолог.

 Оснащение урока: доска, мел, ноутбук,  тематический наглядный и раздаточный материал, аудиозапись, презентация Microsoft Power Point, мультимедийная установка (проектор) .
Литература: English 7 , Юхнель Н.В., Е.Г.Наумова
                      Highlights, Л.В. Хведченя
                      English VI,VII, И.Н. Верещагина, О.В.Афанасьева
I.              Организационный момент  (введение в тему урока, ознакомление учащихся с целью и задачами урока, введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения)

-           Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you today? I’m glad to see you. Let me begin our lesson with some riddles. If you guess them, you will know what we are going to speak about. Have a look around, listen to me and think.
-           Usually two or more people take part in this process.
-           We do it in a special place.
-           We do it very often.
-           Usually women like to do it, men don’t like.
-           We can’t do it without money.
-           What is it?.. Yes, we are going to speak about shopping. We ‘ll revise our vocabulary, pay attention to the grammar (Present Perfect Continuous); try to make up and act dialogues, see a video film, do a test, listen to your projects … .We have a lot of work to do. Let’s start. Before that look at the blackboard, please! Here you see the motto of our lesson: “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop”. What do you think about this? Do you agree or disagree?  Can it be suitable also for other places?
I.              Основная часть урока:
а) активизация раннее изученной лексики (развитие лексических навыков, развитие навыков устной речи)
- Now I’d like to find out what words you associate with shopping … .Your task is to give some associations and write them on the blackboard…
- Ok, thanks, well done. You know we buy different things in different shops. Will you remind me the names of these shops? Look at the blackboard, please! Here you can see different kinds of shops. Your task is to match a shop and its name… .
- Thanks, how clever you are! Now will you remind where to buy some things.  Your task is to choose any card  and say  using the following phrase: “We can buy … at the … .”
б) обучение говорению (развитие навыков устной речи)
- By the way, answer my questions, please.
1. Do you like shopping?
2. Do you like window-shopping?
3. What shops do you like?
4. Which shop do you usually go?
5. What is your favourite shop?
6. Have you been to many shops?
7. What shops have you got not far from your house?
8. What shop did you go last? What did you buy there?
9. Do you make a shopping list when you go shopping? Do shopping lists help?
10. Can shopping be a hobby? Is it a good way to spend free time?
в) обучение восприятию и пониманию речи на слух (развитие навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух, развитие языковой догадки)
Now your task is to listen to the tape script and say in what shops you can hear the following phrases (WB.: p.14, ex.3):
1. Can I have two chocolate cakes and a baguette, please?
2. Have you got any vitamin C capsules?
3. I’m afraid they are very small. I need a larger size.
4. Do you sell board games?
5. Excuse me, but where is the History section?
6. The Times and Evening News, please?
7. I’m looking for a warm winter coat.
8. May I try it on?
9. Cottage cheese isn’t on sale here.
10. The blouse is too bright for me.
- Thanks for your answers. We have known a lot of shops and about shops. Now I invite you to go shopping. Do you want? We are going to see a short film. But let’s learn some words
Italian food
-           Let’s read and translate these words… .Ok… Be ready to see the film, listen to the dialogue and try to understand it. The dialogue is called “At the Corner’s”.

At the Corner’s
– Good morning. How are you?
– Morning. Fine, fine you?
– Fine, thanks. Can I help you?
– Yes. Have you got pineapples?
– Certainly. How much would you like?
– One tin, I think
– What about fresh biscuits?
– No, thank you. I’m on a diet. I prefer fruit and vegetables.
– Anything else?
– May be some fish: sazan or humpback.
– I strongly recommend you to buy humpback.
– OK. Give me one fish. How much does it cost?
– 133 roubles. Oh, just a minute. Do you like lasagne?
– Oh, it’s not bad. But I don’t like Italian food. Here are 150 roubles.
– Thank you. You change is 17 roubles.You are welcome.
-           Answer the questions, please
1.        Where does the action take place?
2.         What kind of shop is it?
3.         What does the customer want to buy?
4.         Does she buy biscuits? Why?
5.  What does she buy?
6.  What kind of fish does the shop assistant recommend her to buy?
7.  Does the woman buy lasagne? Why?
8.  How much does the woman pay?
- Thanks for your answers. I see you have understood the film. Now listen to the film one more time, work in pairs and fill in the blanks on the shits of papers you have got on your desks… Let’s check your work. Read the dialogue aloud in pairs.

At the Corner’s
– Good morning. How are you?
– Morning.  Fine and you?
– Fine , thanks. Can I help you?
– Yes.  Have you got ........................................................ ?
– Certainly. How much would you like?
– One tin, I think.
– What about .......................................................... ?
– No, thanks. I’m on................................. I prefer............................. and ...............................
– Anything else?
– Maybe some.............................................................................
– I strongly .................................... you to buy.......................................
– OK. Give me one ............................................ How much does it cost?
– ……………. Oh, just a minute. Do you like......................................................................... ?
– Oh, it’s not bad. But I don’t like ...................................................... food. Here are 150 ………. .
– Thank you. Your………….. is 17 roubles. You are always welcome.

г) проверка домашнего задания: обучение диалогической речи (развитие навыков диалогической речи, развитие умения работать в паре)
- Now it’s high time to act out your own dialogues. It was a part of your hometask. You were to use the following phrases:
Can I help you?
Have you got …?
How much must I pay?
How much does it cost?
-           My request to you is to do it creatively. You can use some things for make the dialogues visible and interesting. Remember the motto of our lesson, please … .It was very good. Well done!
д) контроль понимания услышанного диалога
-   Let’s  summerize your knowledge by doing a test
1. Lasagne is....................... food.
a) Russian
b) English
c) Italian
d) Chinese
2. People don't eat................. when they are on a diet.
a) fruit and vegetables
b) Italian food
c) humpback and sazan
d) biscuits
3. Usually shops are different in.........................
a) sizes
b) kinds
c) colours
d) owners
4. You can't buy a............... of sugar.
a) pound
b) kilo
c) packet
d) bottle
5. Englishmen use.................. in the shops.
a) pounds and pence
b) roubles and kopecks
c) dollars and cents
6. Humpback is a.................
a) fish
b) meat
c) sweet
d) cake
7. We can buy fish at the...................
a) baker's
b) grocer's
c) fishmonger
d) greengrocer's
8. If you want to make a cake you need.................
a)eggs, sugar, flour
b)ham, sugar, eggs
c) chips, sugar, flour

е) физкультминутка
- I think , you need a break a little bit. Let our eyes have a rest.
Look left, look right,               
Look up, look down,                
Look around.                          
Look at your nose,
Look at that rose,
Close your eyes.
Open, wink and smile.
ж) обучение письменной речи (развитие лексико-грамматических навыков)
- Let’s go on our lesson and turn to the grammar, in particularly, Present Perfect Continuous. Last lesson we started to study this tense. Look at the blackboard / screen, please! Here you can the table and the cases of the use of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Let’s refresh the rule … .
- Look at the blackboard, please!  Here you see the pictures. Your task is to describe them using Present Perfect Continuous.
- At this time some of you will do the cards on this rule (PB.: p.38, ex.4)
- Thanks. Look at the blackboard, please! Here is one more task . Your task is to make up the sentences from the given words. Pay attention to the use of Present Perfect Continuous.
Make the sentences from the given words. Pay attention to the use of Present Perfect Continuous
1.       has / cooking / Nick / for 3 hours/ been.
2.       been / the girl / all day / has / trying on/ clothes.
3.       they / been / all morning / have / doing shopping?
4.       has  / not / Ben / playing / for a year / been/ football.
5.       learning / I / been / English / since the 3rd form / have.
-           Thanks for your answers.
з) проверка домашнего задания :обучение навыков монологической речи (развитие навыков монологической речи)
- As you know, the commercial is an engine of trade. It’s the commercials that attract people to buy something. Now it’s high time for the second part of our hometask. Your hometask was to advertize anything you like in order other people want to buy it. Let’s see what you’ve prepared … .
- In the result we, ourselves, will choose the best commercial by a secret voting. There shits of paper on your desks. Your task is to write  the name of a person who created the best commercial.
- the best commercial is … .The prize is a “10” and a diploma.
III.  Рефлексивно-оценочный этап
- Our lesson is almost over. I am sure you have found out something new and interesting for you during the lesson. Tell me some words about the lesson and your own work during it. Use the table which is on the blackboard and on your desks… .

1. The  lesson was …
2. There were … new things to me
3. I was … at the   lesson

IV.Объяснение домашнего задания
- Open your record-books and write down your homework, please.
WB.: p.21, ex.1 (read the article about the shopping)
V.Выставление отметок
- Your marks are … .Thanks for your work. Good bye!

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