четверг, октября 17, 2019

Билет №4

Билет № 4
      1.    Let’s talk about Belarus. What do you know about the history of our country?
Belarus has a long and interesting history.
According to some documents Belarusian statehood started in the 10th century when Prince Rogvolod began his reign on Polotsk lands. From the 13th till the 16th centuries Belarus was  a part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1569 the Grand Duchy and the Kingdom of Poland united in a federative state – Rzech Pospolita.

In the 16th century Francisk Scoryna published his first “Bible” in the Belarusian Language.In the 19th century Belarus became a part of the Russian Empire. In 1919 the Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic was formed, and our country became a part of the Soviet Union.
The advantageous geographical position – on the crossroads from east to west and from north to south – more than once turned into disadvantage making Belarus the arena of many wars and invasions.
People celebrate Independence Day on July 3rd, the day when Soviet troops liberated Minsk from fascists in 1944.On the 27th of July , 1991 Belarus proclaimed its sovereignty and a new state, the Republic of Belarus, appeared on the international arena.
Today Belarus is a country od developed industry, education and culture, and I am proud of our country and its people.
     2.      Do you know any symbols of our country?
Yes, I do. The national symbols of Belarus are its national flag, national emblem and national anthem. I think they represent our country properly because they reflect our historical past and traditions. But there are three other symbols: the white stork is the symbol of good luck; the cornflower is the symbol of Belarusian fields; the symbol of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the bison? a very strong animal.
     3.      What English filmmakers will you invite to the ‘Listapad’ festival? What questions will you ask them if you have this opportunity?
I will invite Christopher Nolan to the ‘Listapad’ festival.
1.      Do you like Belarus?
2.      What Belarusian filmmakers do you know?
3.      What places have you already visited in Belarus?
4.      What is your favourite film?
5.      Who is you favourite actor?
     4.      What Belarusian festivals can you advise a foreigner to take part in?
I would recommend to see “Kupalle” because it is the most romantic and mysterious holiday. People light bonfires, dance and sing folk songs around them and young girls and boys jump over the fire, holding their hands together. One of the main moments of celebration is the search for a magic fern-flower which blossom only one night a year and is believed to bring happiness.
     5.      Young people gather to make the world better. What do you think young people of Belarus can do to make their country more attractive to foreign tourists?
Belarus organizes and takes part in different international cultural events. It helps to promote our cultural and historical heritage on the international arena. Moreover, people of Belarus can advertise Belarusian brands, traditions and sights. It helps foreigners to learn about our country. The more we introduce our country to the world, the more tourists know about us and more chances they would like to visit our country.

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