четверг, октября 17, 2019

Билет №3

Билет № 3
1.  Let’s talk about the environment. Do you share the opinion that our planet is in danger?
The Earth is the only place in the solar system where there is life. But today our planet is in serious danger. 
Over the last 50 years the human population has more than doubled. More and more people need food, shelter, clothing and vehicles which results in all kinds of pollution, climate change and ecological problems.
Global warming, air and water pollution are the most dangerous ecological problems.
Our seas are filled with industrial and nuclear wastes and chemicals. Our forests disappear because they are cut down or burnt.
Factories throw tons of harmful chemicals into the air. They are the main reasons causing acid rains and the greenhouse effect.
The temperature of the Earth has risen. Climate change leads to rise of sea levels, rainfall, severe droughts and floods.
We all live on this planet and we should do everything possible to keep it safe for ourselves and future generations.
2.  Do you recycle or throw away all the waste?
Nature protection is everybody’s concern. The Earth is our home and we ought to take care of it for ourselves. I am personally for recycling all the waste. I try to separate all the waste so it can be recycled.
3.  Ask you British friend what environmental problems they are concerned about.
1.     What are the most serious ecological problems in Britain?
2.     Are British towns and cities polluted?
3.     What do British people do to protect the environment?
4.  Give a piece of advice on what people can do to protect the environment.
They should save water.
They should reuse and recycle materials.
They should take part in environmental campaigns.
5.  If you have a chance to start a campaign to help the environment, what will you campaign for?
If I have a chance to start a campaign to help the environment, I will campaign for planting trees. All people should plant a tree. Trees make our air fresh and clean.

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