воскресенье, марта 08, 2020

Предлоги времени

Предлоги времени
обозначает точное время
at 7 o’clock
at noon, at midnight
at dinner time

at sunrise, at dawn
at sunset
at the beginning/ end of
at present
at the moment
at this/ that time
at the same time
at night
at times
at Christmas
at the age of 22, at 22
at the weekend, at weekends
Артикль не нужен:
the day before yesterday
the day after tomorrow
yesterday evening
last week
next week
all day long
once a day
twice a week
one day
some day
the other day
every other day
обозначает день, дату
on Friday
on the following Friday
on that day
on 15 March 2019
on the morning of the 7th
on my birthday
on the wedding day
on the anniversary
on Christmas Day
on New Year’s Eve
on Easter Sunday
on Friday morning
on a cold evening
on a summer night
on weekdays
on vacation, on holiday

on time – в 8.00 ровно
in time – к 8.00 – в 7.50

обозначает часть суток, период времени
in the morning/ afternoon/ evening
in the early/ late morning
in the daytime
in the middle of the day
in the night
in May
in winter/ spring/ summer/ autumn
in 2019
in the year 2019
in the early/ late 80s
in one’s twenties
in the 19th century
in the Middle Ages
in those days
in the past
in (the) future
in the last six months
in the next two days
in one’s free time
in no time
in such a short time
in a few minutes
in three days
in three days’ time

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