среда, января 15, 2020

Билет № 15

Билет № 15
     1.     Let’s talk about outstanding people. Tell me about some Belarusians who are well known all around the world.
Belarus is a talented nation. Belarusian land gave birth to many famous people whose names are known all over the world. Francisk Scoryna is the first translator and publisher of the Bible in the Belarusian language. He was an outstanding scientist and humanist interested in literature, law and medicine. His activities gave a power impulse to the development of all Slavonic states. Among other outstanding people we can mention Euphrosynia Polotskaya, Kirill Turovsky and Symon Budny.

 The names of Y. Kupala and Y. Kolas, M. Bagdanovich, K. Krapiva, V. Korotkevich, V. Bykov are world famous. Their works are translated into many European languages. Many streets are named af­ter the Belarusian writers.
As for Belarusian art the names of K. Malevich, Mark Shagal, M. Savitsky and others are known far beyond the borders of our country. Marc Chagall was born in a poor family in Vitebsk. He started his career here in our country but then he went to Russia and began studying art. Then he went to Paris where he continued his studies. Marc Chagall created a new trend in painting. He used strong and bright colours to mix fantasy and religion.
It's also a pleasure to mention the names of such fa­mous Belarusian composers as N. Churkin, I. Luchenok, A. Bogatyrev, N. Aladov. The Belarusian vo­cal groups “Pesnyary” and dance group “Khoroshky” have been a great success in Europe.
Belarusian sportsmen are also known in the world. Among the sports stars are an athlete Olga Korbut, a tennis-player Maxim Mirny, a wrestler Alexandr Medvedev and many others. Belarus can be proud of its people.
     2.     Do you think a genius is born or made?
I think you have to be born with some sort of talent, but you also have to be brought up correctly and taught well. Success consists of only 1% of a person’s talent and 99% of practice and hard work. I believe that only hard-working people can get better results in any sphere of life.
     3.     Your friend has just read an article about the latest scientific and technological achievements in Britain. What questions will you ask him/ her?
1. Do you like this article?
2. What are the latest scientific achievements in Britain?
3. What are the latest technological achievements in Britain?
4. Do you know any outstanding people in Britain?
5. Was the article interesting?
    4.     Advise me on how to encourage my students to be more curious and hardworking.
You should give them good marks. You shouldn’t give them a lot of hometask. You should give your students individual tasks.
    5.     What do you think is more important: IQ, hard work, persistence or a solid upbringing on the way to success?
Without a doubt, hard work is a much better predictor of success than natural ability. In my experience, I have seen this at work in sports, school, and work. Many athletes have a natural ability to run the fastest mile or kick the ball the most accurately. Unless they work hard though, they will not be stars. They need to train daily, eat properly, live correctly. It takes hard work to be Number One.

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