среда, января 15, 2020

Билет №14

Билет № 14
   1 .     Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes. How will you describe a typical Belarusian?
Different nations have different characters.
Belarusians are extremely sociable. They are the most welcoming and hospitable people. Belarusians are less materialistic. Not many people think of shopping as a leisure activity. There is a high respect for education and culture. The countryside holds a special place in the hearts of Belarusians. At the weekends during the spring, summer and early autumn most people who live in the city go to their dachas.

Tolerance is one of the most typical features of the Belarusian people.
It's easy to note that the majority of people who have ever come to Belarus underlined that the Belarusians are sincere and hospitable people. Indeed, we can still hear: "The guest in the house - the God is in the house". The Belarusian people were ready to share everything with the neighbors. However, the Belarusian got accustomed with the necessity to gain everything due to his own hard work. "It's no use to look for bread without work". During centuries, practically unstopped hard work saved people from poverty and starvation. There were enough wars, epidemics and natural disasters in the history of our country. Optimism and humor are the qualities that allowed the generations of our compatriots to hope for the better.
As for me I can say that in some traits of my character I’m a typical Belarusian, because I think I’m rather friendly and sympathetic person.
     2.     Would you like to visit Great Britain? Why or why not?
Yes, I would. I would like to visit England. A lot of tourist come to London every year. I would like to visit London, the capital of Great Britain. There is the British Museum, Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery, the Tower of London, Big Ben and many other sights in London. I would like to try British traditional dishes, such as Yorkshire pudding, bangers and mash, fish and chips and traditional afternoon tea.
     3.     I have just come back from Scotland. What questions will you ask me?
1.     What is the capital of Scotland?
2.     What is the population of Scotland?
3.     Do you like Scotland?
4.     What is your favourite place in Scotland?
5.     What is national Scottish dish?
     4.     Give me a piece of advice on how to get rid of prejudices.
If you have some prejudices it means that you don’t know something. If we talk about prejudices of different countries I can give you some advices how to get rid of your prejudices. You should learn some information about the country. You should try to visit this country to see everything with your own eyes. You shouldn’t be afraid just take first steps toward getting rid of your prejudices.
     5.     Why do you think we should be suspicious of stereotypes?
The stereotypes are fixed opinions or believes of type of person, or thing or nationality. I don’t think if they are all true, but in my opinion there is a little true in stereotypes (like in each fairy story), directly they rise. Thanks stereotypes we can know something about culture, manners in some countries. But they rose much time ago, so they could be out of date.

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