пятница, января 12, 2024

Open the brackets using an appropriate tense. Active voice.

1.      I am sure you (to have) lots of fun at the party.

2.      I (not to hear) from him since we (to leave) school.

3.      We (to go) down in the lift when suddenly it (to stop).

4.      Our guests (to arrive) on the 11.50 train the day after tomorrow.

5.      I (to be) pleased to see my old college friends at the conference last week as we (not to see) each other since we (to finish) our course.

6.      You (to understand) the problem they (to discuss)?

7.      He (to smoke) for 20 years before he finally (to give) it up last year.

8.      Somebody (to eat) all my chocolates. The box is empty.

9.      How long you (to study) English by the end of the year?

10.  He (to repair) his car for an hour. He still (to do) it.

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