суббота, марта 11, 2023

London landmarks

 The Tower of London is a museum now, but it used to be a prison, the Royal residence and a treasure house.

Buckingham Palace is the official London home of the King. There are 600 rooms and it is open to the public in summer.

Hyde Park is a popular London park with Speaker’s Corner where you can say anything you like to the public.

St Paul’s Cathedral is a cathedral built by the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren, where an earlier cathedral used to be before the Great Fire of London in 1666.

Piccadilly Circus is one of the most famous London landmarks –a square surrounded by souvenir shops and places to eat. The square is actually round.

Madame Tussaud’s Museum is a famous museum with the life-size wax figures of famous people. Open daily.

Trafalgar Square with Nelson’s Column is London’s most famous square with a column named after Admiral Nelson who won the battle of Trafalgar. 

Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge over the River Thames. There is a museum inside.

Big Ben  is the clock tower, 98 m high. Big Ben is in fact the tower bell, which weighs 14 tonnes.

The Houses of Parliament is the Palace of Westminster stands beside Westminster Abbey, by the Thames. The place where the Parliament is.

Westminster Abbey is a large church where the coronations of many kings and queens took place.

London Eye is a giant vertical rotating wheel with passenger cars  is 135 metres tall and 120 metres in diameter. Its official name is the Millenium Wheel.

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