пятница, ноября 08, 2019

Билет №9

Билет № 9
1.     Let’s talk about your family. What do you appreciate most about your family?
Family is very important in our lives. Every person needs a place where he can feel happy and quiet. One needs people with whom he could speak freely about his problems, share his happy moments and his problems. Such place and such people are his family.

For me an ideal family should consist of a kind and caring mother, a hard-working and loving father and supporting relatives. I can say that my family is just of that kind. We have close relations: we love, respect, trust and value one another.
My dad’s name is Alexander. He is honest, clever and kind. Sometimes he can be strict. We have much in common, that is why we are best friends. My father is handsome and serious. He is very busy and works a lot. We try to spend as much time together as possible. My father is fond of playing computer games. At the weekends we play games together. Also, he helps me with my homework and my mum with housework. He is the best dad in the world!
My mum’s name is Ludmila. She is a teacher. She is a very pretty woman, very kind and patient. My mum has a good sense of humour. My mum is good at cooking. Every day she cleans the rooms, washes the dishes and doesn`t let my brother and me fight. She has a wonderful ability to find something positive in any situation. I know I can always rely on her.
My parents will never ignore me; I will always get support and understanding from my family, no matter whether I am good or bad.
My younger brother is four. His name is Vladislav. He looks like my dad. Vlad is strong, clever and talented. He can swim and run. Vlad likes watching cartoons on TV. Sometimes he is naughty. He enjoys breaking my toy cars and drawing in my exercise-books. But anyway I love my brother.
For me my family is the only place where I can find support and relaxation.
2.     Do you get on with your grandparents?
Yes, I do. First of all I should say that there is no problem of generation gap in my family. We try to be understanding, caring and loving. I can rely on my relatives in any situation. We can discuss everything and try to trust each other. So, we are on good terms.
3.     What questions will you ask a British teenager about his/ her family?
1. Is your family big?
2. Do you have any family traditions in your family?
3. What are your parents?
4. Do you get on well with your parents?
5. What do you do together with your family?
 4.     What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with their parents and grandparents?
If you want to have a good relationship with your parents and grandparents, you should spend your free time together. You should help your relatives with household chores. You should be open, friendly, caring, understanding and loving.
5.     You want to introduce a new tradition into your family. What kind of tradition will it be?
I think it will be a tradition of saying the words of love. We should say “I love you” every day: before we go to bed, in the morning, in the evening, before lunch or even without any special occasion.

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